Year Leading Up to My Departure

Life took me for a bit of a roller coaster ride the year leading up to my departure.

In the beginning, I remember attempting to become a YouTuber by making a trial video of the start of my downsizing and minimalist lifestyle. I came back from Corpus Christi after my Dad´s 59th birthday and attempted to get rid of my Christmas decorations. I´m going to sell all my things and travel! Well, that was a bust! I couldn't even get rid of Christmas decorations that I didn't even use that year! I hated the way my voice sounded and how I looked in the video.  I thought to myself, I'm crazy. This idea is way out of my league.

I began to think of other reasons why I shouldn´t make this crazy idea a reality. For one, I was reluctant to be too far from my family. My mom was a sick and my fear was that something would happen to her while I was traveling. I would never forgive myself if I couldn´t be there. In addition, one of my stipulations before I made any type of move or change was to obtain my PE license (I needed to pass an intense 8 hour exam). After I received my failing score, I felt like my life was at a stand still. I had to study for another 3 months before taking the PE exam again in April 2016.

My crazy idea ended up back on the shelf for the time being. I felt slightly embarrassed for even mentioning it to my coworkers and family. The timing wasn't right and I just didn't feel ready.

Life carried on like normal. I continued to do what I loved, went out with my friends, enjoyed my single life in Houston, joined a softball team, and even signed up for a singles club, Events and Adventures. I continued to listen to some of the advice and tips that other experienced travelers provided, including building up my savings, signing up for Couchsurfing, and even surprisingly hosted a few people. I took the PE exam again and finally passed! I felt so accomplished! Shortly after, I booked an unforgettable trip to New York with my Mom. It was absolutely the ultimate trip for her and I, as it was at the top of her bucket list to visit New York. We had the time of our lives!

Buying a home was next on my list of responsible things to do as an adult. You know, the American Dream. My Uncle Orlando, a fine Real Estate Consultant, helped me find a great condo to purchase. All the paperwork and finances were in order right before we left for New York. I informed my apartment leasing office that I was not going to renew my lease due to my new purchase. However, something was telling me NOT to buy!! I spent much time deciding if I should listen to my intuition, and as a result, I withdraw from the contract. I ended up losing about $2000 and rented my cousins place instead.

This living situation drew on a significant decision... to begin steps to change my profession from an engineer to a teacher. I have been talking about teaching for years now. My conversations always had the same story of my unhappiness with my current line of work and the desire to break into the education field. Bravely, I applied to obtain my Alternative Teacher´s Certificate, began studying for yet another exam, and eventually started taking courses online. I was on my way to major life changes!

At this point, I still had the travel bug biting me. My priorities were not to earn more to spend more, but to have experiences. For a week in November, I went on my first cruise from Puerto Rico to the Caribbean Islands. I was having a blast, meanwhile back at home, my Mom was extremely sick and ended up in the hospital that same week. Being the protector she was, she didn't want to tell me until I returned from the cruise. When she finally told me I was so hurt and upset, but mostly scared...scared of losing her. I was so depressed for a while, but I didn't want to live my life in fear or sadness so I mindfully enjoyed every moment I had with her. I drove down Corpus Christi to visit, spent Thanksgiving together and had a wonderful Christmas.

One evening, I received the most dreaded phonecall of my life, from my Dad, to come home quick. That week was one of the hardest weeks I've had to go through as we laid my Mom to rest. I carry her in my heart and feel we have a connection that not even death can separate.

The weeks that followed were full of grief and a roller coaster of emotions. To make things worse, I was laid off two months later. Saying goodbye to my coworkers left me low-spirited as well. Faced with yet another life choice, I was at a crossroads as to what to do next. Wanting to make a thorough and logical decision, I wrote a list of pros and cons of possible scenarios my life could follow. It took me a week to explore my choices: 1) Find another engineering job as a PE and continue with the same lifestyle. There was nothing wrong with my life except the empty hole I felt inside every time I drove to and from work. 2) Follow through with my teaching career. I would simply need to complete the online courses and field-based experiences in the classroom. I could be in the classroom by August or 3) BE BOLD and do something different: sell all my things and travel!

What am I waiting for?! I don´t have a mortgage. I have no living children, no spouse, no apartment lease to break, and I didn't even have to quit my job because it had already been done for me! I gave up rights to my fur baby Bella a year ago when her and my Mom became inseparable, so I had no major responsibilities. This was my time. If I don't do this now, then when?!

Moving back home with my Dad and sister in Corpus Christi was my next decision while I continued to do research for programs that allowed you to travel cheaply and for long periods of time. I learned that teaching english was one of the major ways to do so. I also knew I wanted to live in Spain. This was a new dream of immerse myself in the culture, learn and practice the language, befriend the people, and to dance!

I ended up applying to Scotia Personnel out of Canada, who linked me up with a host family in Spain. We interviewed each other, hit it off, and the next thing I knew...I bought a one way ticket to Spain!

My idea wasn't that crazy afterall! It was well within my reach. I put my fears and doubts aside, believed in myself, and made my crazy dream a reality. I want to live a life without regrets and where my decisions are not based on fear.

I choose to take my tragedies and turn them into something else.

Living with a family from Spain for 10 weeks was such a rewarding experience! It was a great start to my trip to 9 different countries around Europe:

Spain (Madrid, Boadilla del monte, Sevilla, Cordoba, Toledo, Alicante, Benidorm, Burgos, San Sebastian, Bilboa, Cans, cities and beaches across the northern coast)

Italy (Venice and Rome)
Portugal (Lisboa and Sintra)
Paris, France
London, UK
Reykjavik, Iceland
Munich, Germany
Greece (Athens and Islands: Hydra, Aegena, Poros)
Croatia (Split, Brac Island, Zagreb)


Southeast Asia
Thailand (Bangkok...

Where will I go next?


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